ragazzi ho un gande bisogno del vostro aiuto per tradurre in inglese il seguente testo. Please help me.?
2008-06-01 09:05:36 UTC
Mi chiamio tizia, sono nata il 17 marzo 1988 a domodossola dove ho frequentato l'asilo e le elementari; poi mi sono trasferita a borgomanero dove ho continuato gli studi e mi sono diplomata presso il liceo artistico xxx di xxx. ora frequento il quinto anno integativo per poter poi accedere alla facoltà di psicologia, spero di diventare una brava criminologa
Tre risposte:
2008-06-03 05:47:30 UTC
oddio quelle precedenti sono completamente sbagliateeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

ecco qua:

My name is Tizia, I was born the 17th march 1988 in Domodossola where I've attended kindergarten and elementary school. Afterwards I moved to Borgomanero where I've continued my studies. I've graduated at the xxx di xxx artistic high school in (inserisci anno di diploma).

I'm currently attending an extra year of high school that will allow me to enroll in the Psycology Faculty. I would love to became a good criminologist.
2008-06-01 16:20:56 UTC
Non so se va bene perchè ho usato un traduttore automatico, controlla e se conosci un po' l'inglese correggi.

Me chiamio tizia, they have been born 17 March 1988 to domodossola where I have attended l' asylum and the elementary ones; then they are transferred to me to borgomanero where I have continued the studies and they are given a degree to me near artistic grammar school xxx of xxx. now I attend the fifth integativo year for being able to then approach the psycology faculty, I hope to become a good criminologa

So che in inglese si dice My name is oppure I call myself tizia, non come sopra
2008-06-01 16:15:15 UTC
My name is tizia, I was born March 17 th 1988 to domodossola and I have frequented the kindergarten and the elementary ones; then I have moved to borgomanero and I have continued the studies and I have graduated near the artistic high school xxx of xxx. I now frequent the fifth year integativo to be able to access then the faculty of psychology, I hope to become a good criminologa

spero ke sia giusta tu controlla..ciaoo

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